I had successes with LPS nano tanks before (about 2 years of experience under my belt) but as any reef enthusiast, I wanted more.
More fishes.
More Corals.
Over a period of time I managed to put up a case with myself (yes I know it sounds weird) to convince myself to upgrade my tank. Eventually I upgraded to a 4ft tank (150g total volume) early Feb 2020. Got in some dream fishes and corals that I couldn't have due to space constraints in my nano.
But a series of unfortunate events and mistakes happened resulting to a tank crash and absolute failure. Algae is on a rampage. Corals not doing well despite how much water changes I do. Fishes dying mysteriously although all major water params check out right.
It sucks. Big time. I almost threw in the towel. But I decided to give it another go. The idea of having my dream tank all looking sparkly and cool with awesome corals and fishes motivated me to give it another go.
But this time, I want to get everything right. I approached a LFS here and requested for a reboot. Everything here on is done after I binge watched brstv and read up on Melev's reef blogs. I want to do this right this time round.
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