The Planning Phase

 Out of all the different reefscapes I liked those done by the Suprem3 Corals. It has a good mix of free space for fish to move about and a good amount of estate for coral placement. I got in touch with Suprem9 Solutions, a branch for the Suprem3 Corals chain which specialises in the more technical and 'building' side of reefing. I gave one of their staff, Bing, a quick text, he was really helpful and offered to swing by to take a look at my tank's situation since he stayed near my area. He did mention to me that its best that I find the root cause of the problem so that I can avoid it in the future. He tried to find out why I would have nutrient spikes in the first place, one look in my sump and he told me my bacteria media is insufficient, hence recommended more Siporax. I explained to him despite my 6mths of effort in finding the root cause and battling algae, I'm tired of letting this drag on and I would prefer a restart.

He gave me an idea of how the reboot is gonna be:

1. Remove sand, water and rocks. I requested to keep the rocks, as I intend to bleach them and resell them.

2. House my livestock until the cycle is complete.

3. Washdown and basic cleaning of tank and sump.

4. Bringing my equipment back for citric acid cleansing.

5. New scape for the tank. I did elaborate my likes and dislikes for corals to him. Love them torch corals, zoas and might get into some scolys, but the rest I would like more SPS dominant. He gave me a brief idea of the scape inspiration he has after seeing my current scape. Marco rocks seem to be the way to go. 

I did purchase some extra stuff from him as well. 6L of Siporax, Microbe Lift Nite Out II and 2x Caribsea's Special Grade Live Sand.

Let's say the total cost hits SGD1xxx, but I did feel some relief despite the hole in my pocket, you get the picture :)
