
Showing posts from January, 2021

Reef Aquascape

 I have a thing about the stuff in my tank being 'natural'. It bugs me for some reason. Ever since I had fishes, I hated those man made rocks/wood and the likes. To me, an aquarium is like bringing a piece of Mother Nature back in the comfort of our home. Man-made stuff just 'pollutes' it in a way. So I did do some research on Marco Rocks, seem natural and made from ancient dead reef in Florida? Cool.  After a day or 2 from the initial conversation with Bing, he dropped me a video of the 1st part of the scape. Wow talk about efficiency. I was amazed. Looked brilliant. After another 2 days he sent me a video of the finished scape and wanted my opinion. I told him he had really outdone himself. So this is the difference between a pro's work and a novice hahaha. Absolutely loved the work. Can't wait to get them in.

The Planning Phase

 Out of all the different reefscapes I liked those done by the Suprem3 Corals. It has a good mix of free space for fish to move about and a good amount of estate for coral placement. I got in touch with Suprem9 Solutions, a branch for the Suprem3 Corals chain which specialises in the more technical and 'building' side of reefing. I gave one of their staff, Bing, a quick text, he was really helpful and offered to swing by to take a look at my tank's situation since he stayed near my area. He did mention to me that its best that I find the root cause of the problem so that I can avoid it in the future. He tried to find out why I would have nutrient spikes in the first place, one look in my sump and he told me my bacteria media is insufficient, hence recommended more Siporax. I explained to him despite my 6mths of effort in finding the root cause and battling algae, I'm tired of letting this drag on and I would prefer a restart. He gave me an idea of how the reboot is gonn...


I had successes with LPS nano tanks before (about 2 years of experience under my belt) but as any reef enthusiast, I wanted more. More fishes. More Corals. Over a period of time I managed to put up a case with myself (yes I know it sounds weird) to convince myself to upgrade my tank. Eventually I upgraded to a 4ft tank (150g total volume) early Feb 2020. Got in some dream fishes and corals that I couldn't have due to space constraints in my nano.  But a series of unfortunate events and mistakes happened resulting to a tank crash and absolute failure. Algae is on a rampage. Corals not doing well despite how much water changes I do. Fishes dying mysteriously although all major water params check out right.  It sucks. Big time. I almost threw in the towel. But I decided to give it another go. The idea of having my dream tank all looking sparkly and cool with awesome corals and fishes motivated me to give it another go. But this time, I want to get everything right. I approached a...


Hi there! Welcome! HC here. Wanted to have a space for me to document and share my progress in the reefing hobby. This blog will be my way of documenting my journey towards a SPS dominant tank. Experiences and what not will be shared here too! Do note that everything in this blog is my personal opinion, every product is cool and effective in their own way but I just state my experiences with them.